Cichlid Fish

Zebra Cichlid

ZEBRA CICHLID (Pseudotropheus zebra)

Amazon tributaries: Pretty, schooling, peaceful fish. Needs plenty of swimming area. A dark aquarium bottom is preferable to show its delicate colors.

Tetra Foods: TetraMin Tropical Flakes, TetraColor.


OSCAR (Astronotus ocellatus)

South Amazon, Paraguay: Only the young fish are suitable for the beginner. Grows fast but when larger will be aggressive. Likes to dig up plants, therefore, maintain in an aquarium which contains only driftwood and rocks.

Tetra Foods: Tetra JumboMin Cichlid Sticks, TetraCichlid Cichlid Sticks, TetraCichlid CichlidColor Sticks, TetraCichlid Flakes, TetraTreats Freeze Dried Bloodworms, TetraCichlid Mini Granules, TetraTreats Baby Shrimp Sun-Dried Treat.


ANGELFISH (Pterophyllum scalare)

Middle Amazon, Guyana: Peaceful fish. Suitable for community aquariums with other quiet species. Popular because of their large variation in color and distinctive shape. Does not disturb plants.

Tetra Foods: TetraMin Tropical Flakes, TetraColor Tropical Flakes, Tetra ColorBits Tropical Granules, TetraTreats Freeze Dried Bloodworms.

Kissing Gourami

KISSING GOURAMI (Helostoma temminicki)

India, Malaysia: The fish have the habit of kissing each other. Suitable for the community aquarium.

Tetra Foods: TetraMin Tropical Flakes, TetraColor Tropical Flakes, Tetra ColorBits Tropical Granules, Tetra Treats Baby Shrimp Sun Dried Treats.



India, Thailand: Keep males separate since they will fight until one of them dies. Peaceful towards other fish.

Tetra Foods: Tetra BetaMin Tropical Medley, TetraMin Tropical Flakes, Tetra Treats Freeze Dried Bloodworms.

Dwarf Gourami

DWARF GOURAMI (Colisa Lalia)

India, Bengal, Assam: Recommended for a community aquarium with other small fish. Less shy with floating plants present. Diffused lighting will show the colors of the males better.

Tetra Foods: TetraMin Tropical Flakes, TetraColor Tropical Flakes, Tetra Treats Freeze Dried Bloodworms.

Blue Gourami

BLUE GOURAMI (Trichogaster trichopterus sumatranus)

Sumatra: One of the easiest kept ornamental fish for any aquarium. Peaceful.

Tetra Foods: TetraMin Tropical Flakes, TetraColor Tropical Flakes, Tetra Treats Freeze Dried Bloodworms.